雅思考試當中最難衝分的就是作文了!以我自己為例,我的文法比較不好所以我選擇在想法多元化上面下足了功夫,既然技巧不如人那就從新穎的想法中脫穎而出!尤其是Task 2要運用多重思維跟角度去探討,其實在備考的日常生活中我們就需要透過一些國外的新聞或是文章幫助增廣見聞,在正式考試中這些瑣碎的小知識就會變成強而有力的論述!

2022 雅思作文題目
Task 2: In the future, there will be a higher proportion of older people than young people in many countries. Is it a positive or negative development?.
Why do you think this is and what lessons can be learned from it?
普遍人的想法:Increased demand for health and social care
BBC : Reduced numbers of babies and children
Aging populations pose a challenge to the fiscal and macroeconomic stability of many societies through increased government spending on pension, healthcare, and social benefits programs for the elderly. This may hurt economic growth and overall quality of life if governments need to divert public spending from education and infrastructure investment to finance programs for the elderly. In addition, the recent economic crisis not only increased the demand for social protection but it also drew attention to population aging issues as many countries faced unsustainable public debts.
大家有看出他們所探討的層面完全不同嗎?BBC、Brookings中其實有非常多的專欄去探討社會議題,對作文是個大罩門的同學來說,想要把分數衝高真的要多層面進攻同時防止偏題,單就同一點發揮非常難展面出獨特性啊! 每天一篇保證作文實力飛快提升!大家一起加油!